Luxembourg legal opinion in Finance: a delicate transplant of a common law concept in civil law

On the occasion of the 40th anniversary,  the Luxembourg Association of Banking Lawyers (ALJB) just published a collection of books in 6 volumes which gives an up-to-date overview of the Luxembourg banking and finance regulatory environment (Droit bancaire et financier au Luxembourg 2024/Banking and financial law in Luxembourg 2024). This book is a reference and a source of inspiration for all practitioners dealing with the Luxembourg jurisdiction, and complements the jubilee collection issued in 1994, 2004 and 2014.




Denis Vandenbulke directly contributed to this reference book and authored an article entitled “Luxembourg legal opinion in Finance: a delicate transplant of a common law concept in civil law”. This article takes stock of the adoption and implementation of the Common Law practice of legal opinions in the Luxembourg jurisdiction, and specifically in the field of lending and finance transactions.  It is intended to allow foreign lawyers and practitioners to understand better how Luxembourg lawyers deal with the issuance of legal opinions, and ultimately aims at facilitating the dialogue between foreign and Luxembourg counsels.

Denis Vandenbulke was also one of the guest speakers to present this article on the ALJB seminar launching this publication on 11 June 2024, “Diagonales au travers du droit bancaire et financier au Luxembourg”.

To order and/or read Denis Vandenbulke article and the ALJB Jubilee books collection, please visit the publisher’s websites Larcier Intersentia or Anthemis.